Friday, December 21, 2007

The Importance of Creating A Realistic Budget

I was interviewed on by AASAP radio by Alonzo Brown. He asked me a very important question, and I rushed to respond. His question was "What task could you give someone looking to start the budgeting process?" My answer was this.

When you are trying to generate a realistic budget, the first thing you should do is keep all of your receipts. Take a plastic container or shoe box. Keep it in an area that you see everyday. I recommend by your front door, bedroom dresser, or kitchen counter.

Every time you spend money on ANY item, make sure you keep that receipt until you can drop it off into your designated "box". Continue this process until the end of the month. At that time take out all the receipts and write a category on them. For example, a cup of coffee could be given the category of snack or food.

Total all these receipts and think about if these items are out of control or not.
To learn more about creating a household budget, send me an email on our website's "Contact US" page and I will send you a Newsletter on the subject.

Happy Budgeting

Dina Harbour, CEO
Women Obtaining Wealth

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wealth Is More Than Just About Money

When we were in the thinking process of starting Women Obtaining Wealth, we were asked this question, "Do you really think people will consider us wealthy?" I found this question very shocking. I have always considered myself wealthy. Wealth has never been just about money to me. I worked as a Trust Assistant and my clients were very RICH. But one of my clients was given money at a very young age. He was very, very wealthy in terms of money. But this young man was so troubled. He would buy expensive cars and abandon them. You see he got his wealth because his mother, the heir of a very rich and powerful family committed suicide. So although he had all the money he could ever spend in his lifetime he didn't have his mother.

So my view is this. The moment I wake up and take my breath, I AM WEALTHY. The time that I spend on this earth loving others, and others loving me I AM WEALTHY. Each day that I have my needs met I AM WEALTHY. So ask yourself, what does true wealth mean to me?

By: Dina Harbour