Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Blame Game

Sponsored by: Women Obtaining Wealth- Dina Harbour
Women Obtainin Wealth &
W.O.W. Talk Show (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)

It amazes me the large number of women that choose to continue the journey of the “Blame Game”. I understand that many of us didn’t have the things we wanted growing up. I myself went through a car fetish in my twenties because my mother refused to buy me a car in high school. But as I grew into my womanhood/adulthood I had to take control of my decisions and try to educate myself about things I didn’t understand from my past.

With Women Obtaining Wealth we talk with our members and help them get through various obstacles that might be hindering them from pursuing their passion. I’ve noticed however, that people are comfortable repeating and living the “blame game.” I think what happens is that as long as it’s someone else’s fault for their misfortunes, they don’t have to do anything to heal themselves and move forward.

I’m not saying that outside circumstances don’t affect our lives. But what I am saying is that once something affects us, what do we do? I myself try to find away around it and this has served me well.

If you’re living the “blame game”, stop and redirect your thought process. Write down the cause of your blame and release it so that you can move beyond the anger, pain, and/or disappointment.

Now step up your game and be a winner!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why Women, Especially African-Americans Need “Financial Education”

Written by: Dina Harbour
Women Obtaining Wealth,
W.O.W. on Blog Talk Radio (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)

Did you know?

• Half of African-American women say they are just getting by or struggling. Forty-one percent have household incomes of less than $30,000, compared with 33 percent of all women.

• Two out of three African-American women are solely responsible for their family's financial planning. African- American women are more likely to be solely responsible for their household finances in part because they are less likely to be married (54 percent of all women were married compared with 28 percent of African-American women).

• Only 41 percent of African-American women own their homes compared with 66 percent of all women. Most would like to own their own homes, but often don't know where to start.

• Forty-five percent of African-American women have children under age eighteen living in their household. Of those women, 42 percent are single mothers.

Here’s What I do:

I coach women in the areas of Positive Thinking, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship

Here’s What Coaching Will Do For You!

My unique coaching style, which can be done via video conferencing, phone, or chat, will improve your quality of life.

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next:

Google me! Yes, Google me! Dina Harbour. After you check me out and are ready to get started! Send me your full name, phone number, email address, and a date and time when we can talk for about 10 minutes. Currently I have Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays available between 10am – 12 noon, and 3:00p – 5:00p eastern standard time.
Send me an email at: