Thursday, January 3, 2008

Do Business Owners Know The Difference Between A Good Product vs. Good Service

Recently I have been encountering a problem with business owners. The problem I have been noticing is that they seem to feel that if their product/service is good, needed, and/or desired their customer service doesn't really matter.

Well on one occasion, I returned an item and the owner of this store explained to me that he could not refund my money because "all" of the product wasn't there. On another occasion, a business owner commented that she has been in business for over 5 years with strictly word of mouth, so she felt confident that her product was worth my inconvenience. You see I had heard about her cakes and wanted to desperate pick one out for my birthday bash this year. I went by her store on Christmas Eve, they were closed. No sign on the door no store hours. "Oh, well", I said. "It is the day before Christmas."

So anxiously, I returned on January 2, 2008. The holidays are over -right-? Nope, the store was closed and again no hours on the door. I called the phone number. The recording confirms the days of operation. I was there on a Wednesday after 2:30 p.m. I left a message. They were supposed to be open per their recording.

The next day I get a call from the owner. She quickly defends her lack of service. "My cakes are the best", she says. -hum-

Now I have a choice on how I want to spend my money. Do you buy products and services from companies with terrible service, but good products? I don’t!

Check out my last “Powerhouse Roundtable Show”

Dina Harbour, CEO
Women Obtaining Wealth