Sunday, July 20, 2008

Motivation vs. Inspiration

I try to meet new people daily because I am in the business of "connecting people with purpose”. Sometimes I have a brief conversation with people but often it turns into a somewhat deep/lengthy discussion about purpose and passion.

This is how I explain what I do and/or believe in. “I do not try to MOTIVATE others.” Motivation is temporary and it often requires some type of outside reward such as money to help a person stay focus. However, INSPIRATION is a long lasting feeling. It is a wake up call to something that is already inside of you. Regardless of money or fame, you can be inspired. When I am pursuing my passion/purpose I cannot give-up totally because something inside of me keeps me going.

So I leave the conversation by saying this, “if you’re living this precious life only using motivation (i.e. getting a paycheck, buying a nice car etc) and not using inspiration you are cheating yourself from a felling that wealthy people experience everyday. The joy of living a purposeful life is a life worth living."

Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach