Monday, August 11, 2008

Your Money Reflects Your Mind

Just last month I was teaching a budgeting class and one student bragged about how she was doing better than a friend of hers that made more money than her and had no children. This same student later admitted that she had purchased a new car and confessed that the payments were causing a burden on her finances.

As a Budgeting & Money Management Coach this information alerts me that something is going on with this individual. Since this wasn’t a one-on-one session I didn’t ask more questions, but I wanted to.

There is a direct correlation between how we think about ourselves and how we spend our money. I’ve noticed that many people buy things to “look” wealthy but financially they are a step away from bankruptcy.

Personally, I am on a mission to help other women educate themselves about money, but it is a very hard battle. When people are unwilling to change they keep the same belief system that they were taught years ago. They also don’t want to take the necessary steps to improve their lives until a crisis happens.

Maybe this housing crisis will be their wake-up call.

Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach

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