Written by: Dina Harbour
Women Obtaining Wealth,W.O.W. on Blog Talk Radio (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)
I can remember back when I was living in California how my mind would just temporarily checkout. I would be driving my long commute from Long Beach back to Los Angeles and I would not remember driving to my exit. Scary-huh? It’s true I was driving (safely) but my mind was somewhere else. Miraculously, I would snap to it just before my exit and would literally “thank God” that he was watching over me.
Has that ever happen to you? Can you remember a time when you were so burdened with life’s daily task, demands, and/or responsibilities that you just mentally checked-out? I knew in my heart that I had to make some changes in my life, but I keep putting them off. It wasn’t until I lost two brothers, two months a part that I knew I could not continue to live life as I did before. So at the end of that same year, I sold my home and by January of the next year I had moved to a new state, a brand new home, and started life totally “checked-in.”
It’s not easy to make changes, especially drastic ones like I did. I lost the comfort of a “good job”, and distance away from the only place I’d ever known as home. I even lost communication with a lot of my associates and friends, but my gains were so much more valuable than all my losses combined. Fear usually tells us a different story, don’t believe him. Make sure you’re mind is checked-in today and that you’re living a momentous life.
Have a purposeful day!
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