Wednesday, October 8, 2008
When You Finally Get It, Will It Be To Late?
Women Obtaining Wealth,
W.O.W. on Blog Talk Radio (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)
I sent a text message to a good friend of mine that lives in California. We met in 2000 at DeVry Institute. She graduated and I didn’t. But we stayed friends through the years and I value our friendship. I was at her graduation and was truly happy for her. At the time, I was already working in the “information systems” industry and she wasn’t.
Soon after graduating, she became a Mom and we talked about her financial future. She has been married to her husband for about 13-14 years now and they have done “ok” financially but not enough to purchase a home. I’d purchase my first home in 2000, so I was explaining to her the process and things she should do to make homeownership a reality for her and her family.
Fast-forward eight years later, she is making more money than before. However, she is still living in an apartment and now going crazy with a busy 5 year-old son. She is still married and dealing with a new car note payment that her husband insisted on. He raised the issue that he had never owned a brand new car. So each tax year, they owe in taxes because they make to much money without having enough tax write-offs or deductions.
Without saying, “I told you so” I simply expressed concern and gave her some suggestions. I explained to her that like it or not, tax wise the government reward those who do things that they agree with for example owning property, a business, and/or having a family. Otherwise you pay a lot of taxes.
Is it to late for my friend to turn things around? No, not really but she has a lot of work to do. Most important, she has to make better decisions now to have the things she wants in the future.
Now decide to have an excellent day!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How To Check Back-In, When Your Mind Has Checked-Out

Written by: Dina Harbour
Women Obtaining Wealth,W.O.W. on Blog Talk Radio (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)
I can remember back when I was living in California how my mind would just temporarily checkout. I would be driving my long commute from Long Beach back to Los Angeles and I would not remember driving to my exit. Scary-huh? It’s true I was driving (safely) but my mind was somewhere else. Miraculously, I would snap to it just before my exit and would literally “thank God” that he was watching over me.
Has that ever happen to you? Can you remember a time when you were so burdened with life’s daily task, demands, and/or responsibilities that you just mentally checked-out? I knew in my heart that I had to make some changes in my life, but I keep putting them off. It wasn’t until I lost two brothers, two months a part that I knew I could not continue to live life as I did before. So at the end of that same year, I sold my home and by January of the next year I had moved to a new state, a brand new home, and started life totally “checked-in.”
It’s not easy to make changes, especially drastic ones like I did. I lost the comfort of a “good job”, and distance away from the only place I’d ever known as home. I even lost communication with a lot of my associates and friends, but my gains were so much more valuable than all my losses combined. Fear usually tells us a different story, don’t believe him. Make sure you’re mind is checked-in today and that you’re living a momentous life.
Have a purposeful day!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Blame Game

Sponsored by: Women Obtaining Wealth- Dina Harbour
Women Obtainin Wealth &
W.O.W. Talk Show (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)
It amazes me the large number of women that choose to continue the journey of the “Blame Game”. I understand that many of us didn’t have the things we wanted growing up. I myself went through a car fetish in my twenties because my mother refused to buy me a car in high school. But as I grew into my womanhood/adulthood I had to take control of my decisions and try to educate myself about things I didn’t understand from my past.
With Women Obtaining Wealth we talk with our members and help them get through various obstacles that might be hindering them from pursuing their passion. I’ve noticed however, that people are comfortable repeating and living the “blame game.” I think what happens is that as long as it’s someone else’s fault for their misfortunes, they don’t have to do anything to heal themselves and move forward.
I’m not saying that outside circumstances don’t affect our lives. But what I am saying is that once something affects us, what do we do? I myself try to find away around it and this has served me well.
If you’re living the “blame game”, stop and redirect your thought process. Write down the cause of your blame and release it so that you can move beyond the anger, pain, and/or disappointment.
Now step up your game and be a winner!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Why Women, Especially African-Americans Need “Financial Education”
Women Obtaining Wealth,
W.O.W. on Blog Talk Radio (Every Sunday @ 6P EST)
Did you know?
• Half of African-American women say they are just getting by or struggling. Forty-one percent have household incomes of less than $30,000, compared with 33 percent of all women.
• Two out of three African-American women are solely responsible for their family's financial planning. African- American women are more likely to be solely responsible for their household finances in part because they are less likely to be married (54 percent of all women were married compared with 28 percent of African-American women).
• Only 41 percent of African-American women own their homes compared with 66 percent of all women. Most would like to own their own homes, but often don't know where to start.
• Forty-five percent of African-American women have children under age eighteen living in their household. Of those women, 42 percent are single mothers.
Here’s What I do:
I coach women in the areas of Positive Thinking, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship
Here’s What Coaching Will Do For You!
My unique coaching style, which can be done via video conferencing, phone, or chat, will improve your quality of life.
Here’s What I Want You To Do Next:
Google me! Yes, Google me! Dina Harbour. After you check me out and are ready to get started! Send me your full name, phone number, email address, and a date and time when we can talk for about 10 minutes. Currently I have Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays available between 10am – 12 noon, and 3:00p – 5:00p eastern standard time.
Send me an email at:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Why Good Credit is more important than Money!
I basically explained to her, that she was loosing over $5,000 a year due to low credit scores. She is a professional woman with a low 600 FICO score. After college, she carried some understandable debt and made her payments on time. But after purchasing a home and other items she started falling behind on some of her bills.
This is when her scores started to decrease. Her credit card interest rates jumped up, some over 20%, her car and homeowners insurance increased, and she experienced outrageous bank fees and over draft charges.
I know many of us get into situations where we can’t pay things on time and late fees are unavoidable. However, when you do have the money pay more than the amount due to the next dollar. For instance, if a bills $106.24, pay $107. You may think this doesn’t matter but it does. If you ever fall behind, it will show that you usually pay your bill on time and more than the amount due. Creditors will normally waive the fees. Also create and stick to a monthly budget, learn about credit bureaus and reports. Try very hard to keep your FICO scores above 680 and keep your debt as low as possible.
Now SCORE big!
Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach
Monday, August 11, 2008
Your Money Reflects Your Mind
As a Budgeting & Money Management Coach this information alerts me that something is going on with this individual. Since this wasn’t a one-on-one session I didn’t ask more questions, but I wanted to.
There is a direct correlation between how we think about ourselves and how we spend our money. I’ve noticed that many people buy things to “look” wealthy but financially they are a step away from bankruptcy.
Personally, I am on a mission to help other women educate themselves about money, but it is a very hard battle. When people are unwilling to change they keep the same belief system that they were taught years ago. They also don’t want to take the necessary steps to improve their lives until a crisis happens.
Maybe this housing crisis will be their wake-up call.
Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Motivation vs. Inspiration
I try to meet new people daily because I am in the business of "connecting people with purpose”. Sometimes I have a brief conversation with people but often it turns into a somewhat deep/lengthy discussion about purpose and passion.
This is how I explain what I do and/or believe in. “I do not try to MOTIVATE others.” Motivation is temporary and it often requires some type of outside reward such as money to help a person stay focus. However, INSPIRATION is a long lasting feeling. It is a wake up call to something that is already inside of you. Regardless of money or fame, you can be inspired. When I am pursuing my passion/purpose I cannot give-up totally because something inside of me keeps me going.
So I leave the conversation by saying this, “if you’re living this precious life only using motivation (i.e. getting a paycheck, buying a nice car etc) and not using inspiration you are cheating yourself from a felling that wealthy people experience everyday. The joy of living a purposeful life is a life worth living."
Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach
Friday, June 27, 2008
Being Successful Is A Direct Link To How You Deal With C.H.A.N.G.E.
We all know that there aren’t many things we can count on, with the exception taxes, death and change!
C.H.A.N.G.E (Choosing Hope And Never Greed or Envy). What does thins mean?
Well with change you must do something different and sometimes it can be uncomfortable. When making these decisions, you need to embrace it but use this Acronym to make sure your decisions are positive and well thought out.
Don't make a drastic change on the premises that it's going to gain you a lot of money but end a valuable relationship of cause total disrespect with your colleagues.
Money can leave just as fast as it comes but once you destroy a worthy relationship, it's hard to get back the trust and the respect.
Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Getting Out Of Debt: The Only Real Way To Gain Financial Freedom
Back in 2004 when the housing market was booming, I sold my home. The first thing I did was payoff all my outstanding debts. It felt so good. My credit scores climb through the roof and I was able to purchase more real estate for a great price.
When I became a Real Estate Agent in 2006 I sold several homes rather quickly. But in 2007, I went from selling several homes a year to only 1. Credit became my friend again. I tried to make sure I didn't over extended myself, but I did. Knowing that I was heading for harder economic times, I began to tighten up my budget and cut back on some of my "now" luxury items. So I got rid of my second cell phone, fax machine line, cable premium channels, eating out and many other unnecessary expenses. It was tough necessary to get back into financial shape.
The next step was deciding that I "would not” under any circumstances accumulate more debt than I had too. David Ramsey talks about this in his book, “The Total Money Makeover”. So I put away a small saving for EMERGENCIES ONLY. Believe me, the emergencies happen, car problems, water leaks etc.
The debt that bothered me the most was my first priority. I did balance transfers and paid as much as I could. It was hard. But doing it made me feel empowered and smart. When I sent a payoff amount for one of my credit cards the light in my dark debt tunnel starting showing up and soon I was walking towards it.
I still have a ways to go. I am going to tackle my mortgage after the other debts are paid. I also noticed that money started coming to me without me fighting so hard to get it. Be smart and stop living above your means. Look at all the devastation of people losing their jobs, homes, and other valuables. Try to be wiser and start taking control of your financial future. Get out of financial bondage and begin to walk towards the financial light!
Women Obtaining Wealth is an on-line financial community and organization that I stated to help others with their financial journey. We offer a long list of on-line classes for our members, to join go to You can hear more about this topic and many others on our Internet Talk Show every Sunday at 9:00pm EST we even have a chat room for you to type in your questions at or call (646) 478-5836!
Dina Harbour, CEO
Budgeting & Money Management Coach
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Do Business Owners Know The Difference Between A Good Product vs. Good Service
Well on one occasion, I returned an item and the owner of this store explained to me that he could not refund my money because "all" of the product wasn't there. On another occasion, a business owner commented that she has been in business for over 5 years with strictly word of mouth, so she felt confident that her product was worth my inconvenience. You see I had heard about her cakes and wanted to desperate pick one out for my birthday bash this year. I went by her store on Christmas Eve, they were closed. No sign on the door no store hours. "Oh, well", I said. "It is the day before Christmas."
So anxiously, I returned on January 2, 2008. The holidays are over -right-? Nope, the store was closed and again no hours on the door. I called the phone number. The recording confirms the days of operation. I was there on a Wednesday after 2:30 p.m. I left a message. They were supposed to be open per their recording.
The next day I get a call from the owner. She quickly defends her lack of service. "My cakes are the best", she says. -hum-
Now I have a choice on how I want to spend my money. Do you buy products and services from companies with terrible service, but good products? I don’t!
Check out my last “Powerhouse Roundtable Show”
Dina Harbour, CEO
Women Obtaining Wealth