Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Place To Call Home -Why Single Mothers Should Own A Home

Written by: Dina Harbour

Women Obtaining Wealth
Women Obtaining Wealth Internet Talk Show

I can’t put my finger on it exactly but it is something special about going home. A home can represent a lot of things but for me, home is my security blanket. It is the place that I grew up, ran up and down the street, learned how to dance, skate, and ride my first bike.

My parents bought out home shortly after I was born. My Mom still lives there to this day and it makes me smile. Buying a home is something I always wanted to do. It just made sense to me. It took me 31 years before I could buy a home. Why did it take me so long to purchase a home when I wanted one so badly?

Well, no one taught me how to buy a home. I was employed and made a decent salary but I didn’t know all the rules and/or requirements. When I did find out what was required I hadn’t saved up enough money for the down payment. Plus I was carrying to much debt.

Later in my discovery I learned that ALL wealthy people own real estate. Most Millionaires make their money from buying, renting and/or selling this asset. It took me 31 years to own my first piece of property and it was the best investment I could have made back in the year of 2000.

Since then however, I’ve experienced and learned so many valuable lessons about owning real estate. Because of my knowledge, I became a Real Estate Agent and Investor. Also, in sadness I’ve watched good people loose their homes while the housing market took a crazy dive.

Regardless of these unfortunate situations people are still using real estate as one of their most popular vehicles to building wealth. They have the REAL information needed to make real estate much more than a home, but also a pertinent asset. Just because the economy is not in the best shape doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t own real estate. People still need a place to call home more so now than ever before. Do you have one to call your own?

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